Safe School
At Whitsunday Christian College we have zero tolerance for bullying. We deal with bullying by:
• Use of the curriculum to work on aspects of bullying wherever possible.
The inclusion of an antibullying segment in the schools’ curriculum and pastoral care.
• Use of the “Dealing with Bullying and Harassment” materials with appropriate classes.
• Staff training and support to equip staff to: reinforce school policy, integrate strategies into class curriculum, teach self-protective behaviours to students, respond effectively to bullying incidents, resolve incidents, and to utilise other support structures within the school to manage difficulties.
• Explanation and discussions of this policy (e.g. in form classes and assembly) and publication in the school newsletter.
• Observation of students by teachers both inside and outside the classroom.
• Involvement of non-teaching staff including community and school support staff.
• Discussions with and encouragement of senior students to become mentors for younger students.
• Collection of relevant behavioural data when students first enrol at the College.
• Professional development for teachers.
We are a safer school.
We do not support the “Safe Schools” program. We work as a partnership with parents informing them of what is taught including controversial content. We teach biblical values and the safety of students whether it is physical, emotional, social or spiritual is always our priority.
Please click on the links below provided by Chate, C., (2016) The Problem with Safe Schools Program and Are Christian Schools 'Safe Schools' Already? found at