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At Whitsunday Christian College we provide Chaplaincy services under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.  This program is funded by the Australian Government.


The aims of this program are to support the spiritual, social and emotion wellbeing of the students at our College.  The Chaplain provides an opportunity for students to seek individual support, and also assists in organising programs within the College with the aim of supporting all students.


Engagement with the Chaplaincy services is on a voluntary basis.  The work of the Chaplain is closely linked to the work of other support structures within our school in areas such as student management.


Our Chaplain is also able to refer students and families to other agencies where appropriate.  Whitsunday Christian College is a Christian College.  We teach Christian Studies as part of our teaching and learning program.  This subject is not part of our funded chaplaincy program.


If families do not wish for their child to have access to Chaplaincy services, they should notify the College Principal in writing.


Each year, the College consults the representative parent body to ensure there is an ongoing endorsement for funded chaplaincy services.

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